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The material for the study consisted of developmental stages (egg, three larval instars and adult) of Cleopomiarus micros, isolated in the laboratory from plants of the genus Campanula L.: C. bononiensis L., C. glomerata L., C. patula L., C. persicifolia L., C. rapunculoides L., C. sibirica L., and C. trachelium L., as well as from Jasione montana. The plants were collected in the field in the Lublin region: Łysaków 5045'40.96"N, 2211'17.31"E, Podzamcze Reserve near Bychawa 5101'24.85"N, 2231'59.04"E, Nasutów 5122'31.29"N, 2231'07.32"E, Spiczyn 5119'59.47"N, 2244'29.63"E, Jakubowice Murowane 5116'21.26"N, 2238'15.52"E, Łęczna 5118'09.7"N, 2251'47.8"E, Ciechanki Łańcuchowskie 5116'37.00"N, 2255'28"E, Niedzieliska 5041'57.07"N, 2305'00.75"E, Kąty 5042'21.98"N, 2306'58.73"E, Gródek 5046'58.18"N, 2356'47.04"E and Czumów 5046'28.79"N, 2358'05.68"E. The lack of knowledge of the host plants and breeding plants of the species was the reason for the wide range of species examined from these plant genera. The selection and distribution of habitats with potential host plants were based on the results of faunistic studies in which insects of the genera Miarus and Cleopomiarus have been caught (Cmoluch 1962, 1971, Minda-Lechowska and Cmoluch 1984, Cmoluch et al. 1994, Gosik and Łętowski 2008).
The specimen is embedded in a piece of elongated oval amber (18.6 8.6 4.7 mm) with some bubbles, debris, and deep cracks, covered with opaque substance and therefore only partly visible (Fig. 2). The holotype is housed in the Kuji Amber Museum, Kuji City, Iwate Prefecture, Japan.
Head entirely not clearly visible due to numerous cracks. Compound eyes partially visible. Antennae (Fig. 3A, B) moniliform, flagellum relatively long, composed of at least 50 flagellomeres, covered with fine setae on each segment. Pronotum elongate, visible only left lateral side, ca. 1.1 mm in length, with scattered setae on dorsal surface. Meso- and metathorax not visible. Foreleg (Fig. 3C, D) well preserved. Procoxa very long at least 1.7 mm, not broadened. Protrochanter elongate, slightly curved. Profemur exceedingly long ca. 1.9 mm, slightly broadened, dense fine setae on surface, several long spines and numerous short spines on ventral edge, only slightly curved towards distal. Protibia markedly long ca. 1.7 mm, slender, covered with dense fine setae becoming slightly longer towards distal on dorsal edge, six short spines visible bent towards distal on ventral edge. Protarsus partly preserved, probasitarsus elongate, dense fine setae on surface, with nine small spine-like setae on external ventral ridge (Fig. 3E) and single long curved spine distally. Other tarsomeres not well preserved. Mid- and hindlegs partly visible, slender, covered dense setae. Abdomen uniformly lost. Wings poorly preserved (Fig. 4), with dense fine setae on veins.